Tina, the general (local) perception is that birds on Maui have fled the 5G and retreated to parts of the island that are not in the 5G coverage area. If this is true then the migration of birds away from the towers may provide the appearance of a population decline. This appearance of decline could be leveraged by BNM (I just say Hawaiian Executive Collaborative because everything falls under them anyway) as an ostensible justification for this inexcusable, government experiment.

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Mahalo, Travis. Guest author Arthur Firstenberg talks about the birds moving away from the antenna radiation in our article “Don’t Irradiate the Birds!.” He also questions the death of translocated birds after VHF radio transmitters are attached to them by these same agencies involved in BNM.


“Nor did the Bird Recovery team consider the radiation from the giant antenna farm towering over the Nakula Natural Area Reserve atop Puʻu ʻUlaʻula (Red Hill). There are 159 antennas on 20 telecommunication towers on top of that hill blasting the Nakula reserve with cell phone, internet, radio, television, government, police, military and other signals. The Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) facility is there. The authors of the Bird Recovery report wondered why it is that the wild kiwikiu choose to remain in the small 7,413-acre Hanawī Natural Area Reserve on the windward slope of the volcano and do not stray over the top to the leeward slope where they would be more sheltered from the elements. It is because in the Hanawī reserve the crest of the volcano above them blocks all the radiation from that antenna farm, and cell phones do not even work where they live.“

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Those birds are just dumb conspiracy theorists! They don't even realize that they are far more at risk of detrimental health repercussions from mosquito bites than from some invisible boogy man like "radiation". Thank God for the Hawaiian Executive Collaborative and Birds Not Mosquitos.

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