Tell the EPA Not to Renew Emergency Exemption Use of Bacteria-Infected Mosquitoes
The deadline to comment on renewal of EPA emergency exemption use of Wolbachia mosquitoes in Hawai‘i is February 23rd, 2024. Let the EPA know that we don’t want this dangerous experiment to continue.
This week, the EPA posted a solicitation for public comments on the State of Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture’s application for renewal of their Section 18 FIFRA emergency exemption for use of the experimental Wolbachia-bacteria-infected southern house mosquitoes that are being released on Maui and Kaua‘i. These “Incompatible Insect Technique” (IIT) mosquitoes, called “DQB Males,” are a biotech experiment on our island home. Southern house mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus) have never been documented as used for Wolbachia IIT stand-alone field release anywhere in the world prior to their release here on the islands. The 64,666-acre East Maui project area covers almost 14% of the entire island and is the largest Wolbachia mosquito release of any kind globally to date. The 59,204-acre Kaua‘i project area is the second largest, covering close to 17% of the island’s total acreage.
Hawai‘i Unites has taken the State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and their Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) to court to seek a ruling to require an environmental impact statement and comprehensive studies of the risks of this dangerous mosquito project on Maui – ground zero for the releases. Last month, the court ruled in favor of the DLNR/BLNR’s motion for summary judgment, stopping our case from going to trial as scheduled. We need your help to raise $30,000 by the end of this month to file an appeal.
We’re also asking everyone to send in comments by 2/23 opposing the EPA’s approval of emergency exemption renewal for these bacteria-infected mosquitoes.
In Table 1 of the EPA emergency exemption renewal application, diseases that southern house mosquitoes transmit are listed. Filiarial Worm disease refers to lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), a painful and disfiguring condition that can cause enlargement and hardening of limbs or other body parts. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. West Nile virus is a disease that birds as well as humans can get, and peer-reviewed studies have shown that Wolbachia bacteria can cause mosquitoes to become more capable of transmitting the virus.
While Table 1 states that these human diseases are not currently present in Hawai‘i, pathogen screenings for the imported mosquitoes are unknown, and that information continues to be withheld from the public. Also, not noted on this table are the fact that southern house mosquitoes transmit western equine encephalitis – a viral illness that can affect humans and horses, or the fact that they’re a potential vector of Zika virus.
There are no biosecurity protocols for these mosquitoes and no mitigation measures in place if something goes wrong. EPA guidelines allow for over 3,000 bacteria-infected female mosquitoes that bite, breed, and spread disease to be released weekly on Maui as this project escalates.
February 23rd, 2024 is the deadline to comment in opposition to renewal of the EPA Section 18 FIFRA emergency exemption for use of these bacteria-infected mosquitoes.
Send in your comments here:
COMMENT on the EPA Emergency Exemption for Mosquitoes
Sample comment (copy and paste):
I’m opposed to EPA approval of the State of Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture’s EPA Application for Renewal of Emergency Exemption – DQB males (Wolbachia pipientis, DQB strain), Docket ID EPA-HQ-OPP-2024-0035. These mosquitoes are an experiment that could harm the health of the people, wildlife, and ecosystems of Maui and Kaua‘i. Peer-reviewed studies have shown Wolbachia to cause mosquitoes to become more capable of transmitting avian malaria and West Nile virus (bird and human). Southern house mosquitoes transmit human diseases, including West Nile virus, elephantiasis, encephalitis, and potentially Zika virus. Male mosquitoes transmit bacteria and pathogens to females. Pathogen screenings for these lab-altered mosquitoes are unknown, and that information is being withheld from the public. EPA guidelines allow for the release of thousands of female mosquitoes that bite, breed, and spread disease. There are no known biosecurity protocols for the imported mosquitoes, and no mitigation measures in place if something goes wrong. Population replacement of wild mosquitoes with the lab-altered mosquitoes could cause significant impacts.
The EPA has failed to address tropical disease expert Dr. Lorrin Pang’s serious concerns about horizontal transmission of introduced bacteria, biopesticide wind drift of lab-altered mosquitoes into unintended areas, superinfection of mosquitoes with multiple bacteria strains, increased pathogen infection and disease-spreading capability in mosquitoes, and the experimental nature of the release plan.
No studies have been done to evaluate the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of these mosquito releases. These lab-altered southern house mosquitoes, and the Wolbachia bacteria they’re infected with, are life forms, and there is no way for this experimental project to be self-contained. The release of these mosquitoes could cause the extinction of endangered native birds, and it may impact human health.
Mosquitoes for this biopesticide are foreign organisms that originate from Palmyra Atoll. Wolbachia bacteria for this biopesticide are foreign organisms that originate from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
I’m opposed to the approval of these “DQB Males” mosquitoes for emergency exemption use in Hawai‘i.
We need your help to continue to challenge this mosquito project in court. If we can raise $30,000 by February 29th, 2024, we will file an appeal.
The court’s decision to stop our case from going to trial sets a precedent that weakens our Hawai‘i Environmental Policy Act (HEPA) and the laws put in place to protect our environment and the health of the people.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation so that we can seek a ruling that our case be remanded back to the circuit court and go to trial. We want this case to be heard!
Mahalo to everyone who has contributed towards our goal. We appreciate your support and encouragement.
Tina Lia
Hawai‘i Unites
Hawai‘i Unites is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources. Your tax-deductible donations help us to fulfill our mission of honoring and protecting our sacred connection to the natural world.
Olowalu Update:
The County of Maui is conducting a brief survey through Anthology Research to collect community input about where the ash and debris from the August fires in Lahaina will be permanently stored.
The deadline to complete the survey is February 15th, 2024:
County of Maui Permanent Disposal Site Selection Survey
Recent Media:
Honolulu Star-Advertiser: Judge rejects attempt to stop mosquito release (2/7/24)
Johnny Miro and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia on Maui Mosquito Case and Olowalu Toxic Dump (2/4/24)
Good evening Tina, the EPA is corrupted. They are pushing the Climate Change narrative.
Is there another option? What if HU lawyers challenge the jurisdiction of the Fake State of Hawaii?
Hawaii is a Corporation under Maritime Law. Author: Aran Alton Ardiaz was married to my cousin.
HAWAII THE FAKE STATE: A Nation in Captivity, Common Law Copyright 2008 Aran Alton Ardiaz.
What is Michelle Melendez up to these days?